Water-related targets in the NTP 2020 and Vision 2030
KSA’s Vision 2030 has put forward a government restructuring program that has set a number of targets for the water sector.
The National Transformation Program 2020 details the strategic objectives of all the ministries in the KSA, namely those of the Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture. The NTP also presents key performance indicators to measure progress against each of the strategic objectives and sets ambitious, but realizable targets to be achieved by 2020. Among the KPIs relevant to the Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture are a few that signal the government’s relentless commitment towards the development of the water sector:
Strategic Objective #4 KPIs: The increase of the percentage of renewable water resources used in agriculture from 13% today to 35% by 2020
Strategic Objective #10 KPIs: The increase in the percentage of tariff to actual water cost from 30% today to 100% by 2020
Strategic Objective #11 KPIs: The decrease in the percent of water loss from 25% today to 15% by 2020
Strategic Objective #12 KPIs: the increase in total available capacity (designed) of desalinated water from 5.1 Bn Sq. meters per day today to 7.3 Bn Sq. meters per day by 2020